While he's new to retail, Arnhold’s passion for glassblowing has been years in the making. He discovered the art form as an adolescent while attending Buck’s Rock summer camp in New Milford, Connecticut. “The pace of it was a good fit for my perfectionist personality,” he notes. “Working with materials over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, you don’t have time to analyze, edit, or second-guess. Without the luxury of time to hesitate, refine, or perfect, you have to adapt under pressure.” Between college, Columbia Business School, and the early years of his career, he took an eight-year hiatus from the craft, only rediscovering it when he met his husband. “For my birthday the first year that we started dating,” he explains, “Wes arranged for a glass artist in Red Hook, Brooklyn, to spend a few hours with me in his studio.” Arnhold has been quietly returning to the pre-Civil-War-era warehouse ever since.